WP2 - ocean and ice sheet

Deliverables - data files and reports - on ocean/ sea-ice/ ice sheet.

Scroll down for short descriptions, then the files themselvs

Documents and files:



Deliverables n°2.1.1 :

  • File "D2.1.1_tide_gauges_time_series_CNRS_LEGOS.zip" : 65 good quality records from PSMSL, monthly data in ASCII files (.dat), corrected from Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (Ice-5G VM2, Peltier W.R., 2004) and Inverted Barometer, filtered from seasonal cycles and smoothed over 12 months. Person in charge : Olivier Henry and Anny Cazenave. Read "tide_gauges_informations.txt" for informations (coordinates, station name, country, units, ...). 


  • File "D2.1.1_tide_gauges_time_series_CNRS_LEGOS_MEANS.zip": Means for Norway, Russia and whole Arctic region computed from above tide gauges records, monthly data in ASCII files (.dat), corrected from Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (Ice-5G VM2, Peltier W.R., 2004) and Inverted Barometer, filtered from seasonal cycles and smoothed over 12 months. Person in charge : Olivier Henry and Anny Cazenave. . Read "tide_gauges_informations _NORWAY. xt", "tide_gauges_informations_RUSSIA.xt" and "tide_gauges_informations _ARCTIC.txt" for informations.





Deliverables n°2.1.3 :

  • File "D2.1.3_GRACE_arctic_ocean_mass_time_series_2002-2010.tar.gz" :  Ocean mass component of the Arctic Ocean computed from GRACE data (CSR),  from August 2002 to december 2010. Seasonal cycles have been removed. This package contains 3 directories : one for EOF, one for trend maps and one for 2 ascii files : the grid (format : [lon,lat,time serie], mm) and the time vector of the grid.



Deliverables n°2.1.4 :

  • File "D2.1.4_halosteric_gridded_time_series_ISHII_1970-2009.tar.gz" :  Halosteric sea level in Artic area computed using salinity data (Ishii et Kimoto database, 2009) from surface down to 700m for long period (1970-2009). Seasonal cycles have been removed. This package contains 2 ascii files : the grid (format : [lon,lat,temporal serie], mm) and the time vector of the grid.

  • File "D2.1.4_halosteric_gridded_time_series_ISHII_1993-2009.tar.gz" : Halosteric sea level in Artic area computed using salinity data (Ishii et Kimoto database 2009) from surface down to 700m for altimetry period (1993-2009). Seasonal cycles have been removed. This package contains 2 ascii files : the grid (format : [lon,lat,temporal serie], mm) and the time vector of the grid.


  • File "D2.1.4_thermosteric_gridded_time_series_ISHII_1993-2009.tar.gz" : Thermosteric sea level in Artic area computed using temperature data (Ishii et Kimoto database, 2009) from surface down to 700m for altimetry period (1993-2009). Seasonal cycles have been removed. This package contains 2 ascii files : the grid (format : [lon,lat,temporal serie], mm) and the time vector of the grid.


  • File "D2.1.4_thermosteric_gridded_time_series_ISHII_1970-2009.tar.gz" : Thermosteric sea level in Artic area computed using temperature data (Ishii et Kimoto database, 2009) from surface down to 700m for the well covered period (1970-2009). Seasonal cycles have been removed. This package contains 2 ascii files : the grid (format : [lon,lat,temporal serie], mm) and the time vector of the grid.


  • File "D2.1.4_thermosteric_gridded_time_series_NOAA_1970-2009.tar.gz" : Thermosteric sea level in Artic area computed using temperature data (World Ocean Database 2009) from surface down to 700m for the well covered period (1970-2009). Seasonal cycles have been removed. This package contains 2 ascii files : the grid (format : [lon,lat,temporal serie], mm) and the time vector of the grid.


  • File "D2.1.4 _thermosteric_time_series_at_tide_gauges_locations_ISHII.zip" : This package contains all time series extracted from thermosteric grids computed with Ishii et al temperature data at each norwegian tide gauges location. Time series have been smoothed over 12 months, corrected for GIA, inverse barometer and seasonal cycles.


  • File "D2.1.4_steric_gridded_time_series_EN3_1950-2009.zip" : Complete steric sea level in Artic area computed using temperature ans salinity data (EN3 database from Met Office Hadley Center) from surface down to 700m for the whole period (1950-2009). Seasonal cycles have been removed. This package contains 636 files (format : NetCDF), one file for one month. Each file contains 6 variables : LatLon, LatLonMin (minimum for latitude and longitude), LatLonStep (step between each latitude and longitude, grid resolution), NbLatitudes (all latitudes from 50 to 89°N), NbLongitudes (all longitudes from 0 to 359°E) and Grid_0001 (the steric sea level grid, lines for longitude, columns for latitude, cm).

    * Surface elevation, Greenland ice sheet, radar altimetry (ERS1, ERS2, Envisat) - April 1992 – December 2008. D2.3.1 File: dH_ERSEnvisat_1992‐2008.txt.  Documentation: D.2.3.1.ERSEnvisatHeightChangeGrid.pdf



Deliverables n°2.6.4 :

  • File "D2.6.4_GRACE_signals_from_freshwater_flux_pulses.tar.gz" : Freshwater fluxes computed with GRACE data (3 studied database : CSR, GFZ, GRGS) in equivalent sea level (mm) and in term of mass (ice mass loss, Gt), corrected for seasonal cycles, for Greenland and Antarctica (complimentary materials). Temporal coverage : from 2003 to 2011. Person in charge : Olivier Henry and Anny Cazenave. Read "xxxx.pdf" for informations (upload in standby).
  • D2.6.4 DTU. File DTU_GRACE+GAD_solution_DDK3 (data). DTU_GRACE+GAD_ArticOc (plots); README_D264 (readme file)
D2.1.1_tide_gauges_time_series_CNRS_LEGOS.zip339.33 KB
D2.1.1_tide_gauges_time_series_CNRS_LEGOS_MEANS.zip19.56 KB
D2.1.1 Gridded time series of sea level data.pdf134.2 KB
D2.1.1_past_sea_level_reconstruction_1958_2006_V1.tar_.gz41.29 MB
tide_gauges_informations.txt7.13 KB
tide_gauges_informations_NORWAY.txt1.42 KB
tide_gauges_informations_RUSSIA.txt5.48 KB
tide_gauges_informations_ARCTIC.txt7.13 KB
D2.1.2 Time series of sea ice data.pdf346.54 KB
D2.1.3_GRACE_arctic_ocean_mass_time_series_2002-2010.tar.gz19.09 MB
D2.1.3 Gridded time series of ocean mass variations from GRACE.pdf1.58 MB
D2.1.4_halosteric_gridded_time_series_ISHII_1970-2009.tar.gz18.34 MB
D2.1.4_thermosteric_gridded_time_series_ISHII_1970-2009.tar.gz18.37 MB
D2.1.4_thermosteric_time_series_at_tide_gauges_locations_ISHII.zip57.89 KB
D2.1.4_halosteric_gridded_time_series_ISHII_1993-2009.tar.gz8.03 MB
D2.1.4_thermosteric_gridded_time_series_ISHII_1993-2009.tar.gz8.03 MB
D2.1.4_steric_gridded_time_series_EN3_1950-2009.zip45 MB
D2.1.4_thermosteric_gridded_time_series_NOAA_1970-2009.tar.gz6.09 MB
D2.1.1-4_Deliverable sea level-AC.pdf1.77 MB
D2.2.1_Improved mean sea surface model.pdf1.18 MB
D2.2.2_modifications of the mean sea surface data time series.pdf1.2 MB
D2.2.3_Improved dynamic topography model.pdf1.24 MB
D.2.3.1.ERSEnvisatHeightChangeGrid.pdf387.92 KB
D.2.3.2.ICESatHeightChangeGrid.pdf406.95 KB
D2.3.3_GriddedGRACEtimeSeries.pdf375.85 KB
D2.3.4_GreenlandTimeSeries.pdf560.58 KB
D2.6.1GridsofSeaIceFreeboardHeightsAndSSHfromICESat2003-2009.pdf356.08 KB
D2.4.1_Assessment report of ocean circulation.pdf5.62 MB
D2.4.2 Shortcomings - Arctic Reanalysis.pdf379.32 KB
D2.5.1&2_estimate of the ocean circulation improved Arctic ECVs _v2_final.pdf2.94 MB
D2.5.3_assessment_of_using_satellite_27May2013.pdf10.08 MB
D2.5.4.Pilot system of fast track services with climate relevance over the Arctic.pdf1.84 MB
D2.6.1GridsofSeaIceFreeboardHeightsAndSSHfromICESat2003-2009.pdf356.08 KB
D2.6.2 Ice volume flux Fram Strait.pdf224.91 KB
D2.6.3 Freshwater Flux.pdf812.81 KB
D2 6 4_GRACE_arctic-ocean.pdf357.24 KB
D2.6.4_complementary_materials_GRACE_signals_from_freshwater_flux_pulses.tar.gz1.97 MB
DTU_GRACE+GAD_solution_DDK3.zip26.63 MB
README_D264.txt967 bytes
DTU_GRACE+GAD_ArticOc.pdf15.93 MB
dH_ERSEnvisat_1992‐2008.txt1.13 MB