Sea Level, total, thermosteric, halosteric, 1950-2009


Deliverables n°2.1.4 :

  • File "" : Halosteric sea level in Artic area computed using salinity data (Ishii et al database, 2009) from surface down to 700m for altimetry period (1993-2009). Seasonal cycles have been removed. This package contains 204 grids (format : NetCDF), one grid for one month. Each file contains 4 variables : time vector, longitude vector, latitude vecteur and the halosteric grid (lines for longitude, columns for latitude, mm).


  • File "" : Thermosteric sea level in Artic area computed using temperature data (Ishii et al database, 2009) from surface down to 700m for altimetry period (1993-2009). Seasonal cycles have been removed. This package contains 204 files (format : NetCDF), one file for one month. Each file contains 4 variables : time vector, longitude vector, latitude vecteur and the thermosteric grid (lines for longitude, columns for latitude, mm).


  • File "" : Thermosteric sea level in Artic area computed using temperature data (Ishii et al database, 2009) from surface down to 700m for the well covered period (1970-2009). Seasonal cycles have been removed. This package contains 480 files (format : NetCDF), one file for one month. Each file contains 4 variables : time vector, longitude vector, latitude vecteur and the thermosteric grid (lines for longitude, columns for latitude, mm).


  • File "" : Thermosteric sea level in Artic area computed using temperature data (World Ocean Database 2009) from surface down to 700m for the well covered period (1970-2009). Seasonal cycles have been removed. This package contains 160 files (format : NetCDF), one file for one trimestre. Each file contains 4 variables : time vector, longitude vector, latitude vecteur and the thermosteric grid (lines for longitude, columns for latitude, mm).


  • File "D2.1.4" : This package contains all time series extracted from thermosteric grids computed with Ishii et al temperature data at each norwegian tide gauges location. Time series have been smoothed over 12 months, corrected for GIA, inverse barometer and seasonal cycles.


File "" : Complete steric sea level in Artic area computed using temperature ans salinity data (EN3 database from Met Office Hadley Center) from surface down to 700m for the whole period (1950-2009). Seasonal cycles have been removed. This package contains 636 files (format : NetCDF), one file for one month. Each file contains 6 variables : LatLon, LatLonMin (minimum for latitude and longitude), LatLonStep (step between each latitude and longitude, grid resolution), NbLatitudes (all latitudes from 50 to 89°N), NbLongitudes (all longitudes from 0 to 359°E) and Grid_0001 (the steric sea level grid, lines for longitude, columns for latitude, cm).

Contact Information
Olivier Henry